Writing in the AI Age

Navigating the Terrain of GPT-4 Generated Articles

Finding the Sweet Spot: Balancing AI Efficiency with Human Creativity.

An artificial human deep in thought
Writing in the AI Age Navigating the Terrain of GPT 4 Generated Articles

First Thoughts:

The big question is how to integrate Generative AI into the creative process; I’m not concerned about writers (Prompt Engineers?) who use these AI tools exclusively; that is the ethical side. I’ve tried it, and it comes out as stale and flat text with nothing that holds a reader’s interest. Yes, with a lot of work, the draft article could be improved to the point where, at least, it reads reasonably well. But again, there seems to be a ‘soullessness’ about the piece.

See the AI and Human Creativity post here.

Now AI Tools can help in most or all areas of writing, and not just for articles but for any text-generative task, from short-form articles to longer-form books and novellas. Everything and anything from a simple list of potential titles then expanded to produce sub-lists of sub-titles to entire outlines, can be generated by AI Tools. It’s also wonderful to help overcome writer’s block, the mystical but real issue facing most writers almost daily to a greater or lesser extent. Learning to interact and use Generative AI tools can often alleviate the ‘block’.

Today, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using AI tools. Look at the title and sub-title of this article, both generated by GPT-4. I asked a straightforward question about the advantages and disadvantages of using Genitive AI for the entire creative process; more on this later. Then, based on the answer from GPT-4, I asked for a list of potential titles and related sub-titles for an article on the subject. With a slight rewording, I selected a title that I liked very much, but the suggested titles for this title were not what I was after.

I did, however, like a suggested sub-title from another title. I then asked the tool for its opinion on combining the title and sub-title I preferred (yes, it can do this too). GPT-4 agreed that it ‘makes for a compelling structure’. What do you think? Answers in the comments, please.

So, what are the pluses and minuses?

Well, here is the summarised answer given by GPT-4, which, in my opinion, is reasonably accurate:

As an advanced AI model, GPT-4 offers a range of benefits and potential drawbacks when planning, outlining, and broadening an article.


  • Speed and Efficiency
  • Multitude of Ideas
  • Flexibility
  • Data-driven approach
  • Reduced Writer’s Block


  • Lack of Deep Understanding
  • Ethical Concerns
  • Over-reliance on AI
  • Lack of Personal Touch
  • Unexpected Outputs
  • Misinterpretation of Prompts

While AI like GPT-4 can be a valuable tool for planning, outlining, and broadening an article, it is best used in conjunction with human creativity and oversight to ensure the quality and integrity of the final output. It should be treated as an assistant, not as a standalone solution.

You can see that even Generative AI tools believe they have a place, but it is limited to certain areas. And this is precisely my experience so far; these tools are an assistant, but they are not the entire picture to enable the production of quality creative work. Let’s go through the pluses.


By bullet point, let’s broaden out each item briefly (this is a short-form article, after all), but you will get the drift of it:

Speed and Efficiency

Generative AI is excellent for generating ideas and outlines; it can produce diverse versions of an initial idea. Try varying your prompts either slightly or rewriting them entirely.

Multitude of Ideas

Depending on your area of research, by varying the context of your prompts, it is normal to have as many different aspects of an original idea presented. Choose one or more of the answers given and ask the AI tool to broaden out, rephrase or extend etc.


The style required can also be defined and fine-tuned; for example, you could ask for a list or an outline in a time-informal and professional style.

This is part of one of my recent prompts :

List 5 suggested titles based on <your subject>. The titles should be semi-informal but professional and engaging to readers.

Data-driven Approach

Yes, your answers will be based on past data, but it is limited to the training data used for your chosen tool. GPT-4 is restricted to data up to September 2021, for example. This changes every day with more tools having direct internet access. But it pays to bear this in mind.

As I write this, other tools are already connected to the internet and therefore don’t have this limitation. GPT-4 itself now has a browser plug-in which is still in beta. The picture changes every day, so always better to check rather than assume.

Reduced Writer’s Block

I think you should be able to see already that playing with a Generative AI tool can help to ‘unblock’ your creativity by giving new directions and ideas to explore. It can all start with just a simple prompt.

All the points are interrelated to a greater or lesser extent. What you change for one will have an impact on several others. Some people will tout themselves as ‘Prompt Engineers’ and demand a premium for their services. But don’t be fooled; it only takes a small amount of practice and playing to become reasonably proficient in using these AI tools.


The first four disadvantages listed above can be summarised succinctly:

  • AI can simulate understanding but does not truly understand the content it generates.
  • AI content creation raises ethical questions about authorship and originality.
  • Using AI tools as the only creative source inhibits the development of personal writing skills.
  • AI lacks the personal touch. The generated output is often cold and emotionally barren.

The last two disadvantages deserve a special mention, be advised that though you will encounter these, they may be challenging to spot.

Unexpected Outputs

This is an innocent-sounding point, but Generative AI tools will only produce outputs based in some form on their training data. If the training data is tainted or biased in some form, then so will the generated output many months or years later. Worse, the generated work may contain outright falsehoods and inventions with no basis.

Misinterpretation of Prompts

Depending on the AI tool you have chosen, it can be a frustrating experience getting the tool to understand what you have asked. Some are better than others, and they all have particular peculiarities that you must learn and work around. The output can look like something you can work with, but it’s only after wasting, potentially, several hours that you may spot the problems.

Final Thoughts

Generative AI tools such as GPT-4 can be extremely helpful, but as with many things in life, sometimes it really is too good to be true. I’ve heard quite a lot of negativity about these tools; honestly, the most negative people are those who have never even tried using the tools.

They fail to understand that Generative AI can assist us with so many everyday tasks, but, as it currently stands, they are nowhere near ready to ‘destroy’ jobs or replace humans.

However, bosses and managers are the real issues as they see AI tools as a way to increase profits while reducing costs (that is, firing people). Still, they have likely never used a tool such as GPT-4 and imagine some utopian business future. They are truly living in La La Land.

Instead, we must consider Generative AI as just one item in our toolbox. Much as computers replaced old typewriters (amongst other things), cars replaced horses, and airliners replaced cruise liners. The important thing is to keep both feet firmly on the ground and not let yourself be influenced by the wind-bags.

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Disclosure. I use Generative AI tools to help me when writing. From outline suggestions to topics or subtleties I had yet to think of.

I apologise to my readers for some of the spellings you may feel are incorrect. I was born and brought up in the United Kingdom, and this is the spelling I am comfortable with (Grammarly is happy with it anyway).